Congratulations to FFJC member Andrew Beman-Cavallaro, who has accepted a position as Reference Librarian at the Bartow Public Library.
Andrew's duties will include marketing-updating library events, collection development, reference services, "Ask a Librarian," displays, monthly adult book discussions, and chief cook and bottle washer.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Librivox... "accoustical liberation of books in the public domain"
FFJC-er, Lee Ann Howlett, participated in recording all five sections of Henry Gray’s classic medical textbook, Anatomy of the Human Body. The entire book is now available for free audio streaming or download to your MP3 player or desktop beginning with section one here:
Lee Ann also participated in recording another medical-related text, Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, by W.G. Aitchison Robertson. A 1922 source-book for British criminal pathologists, it can be downloaded from here:
If you would like to volunteer for LibriVox as a reader, proof-listener, or both, please visit
Lee Ann also participated in recording another medical-related text, Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, by W.G. Aitchison Robertson. A 1922 source-book for British criminal pathologists, it can be downloaded from here:
If you would like to volunteer for LibriVox as a reader, proof-listener, or both, please visit
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Congratulations Mary-Kate & Job Postings
FFJC member Mary-Kate Haver has accepted the position of Medical Librarian at the All Children's Hospital Family Resource Center. Mary-Kate started working at All Children's April 19th. Congratulations Mary-Kate.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Institutional Repositories and Open Access-- an overview

Barbara Wood will be presenting on institutional repositories, specifically as they relate to the "Open Access" movement.
"Institutional repositories" have been with us since the days of the Ancient Library of Alexandria (r). Everything old is new again!!
For a good overview of the topic please refer to the following articles:
Link to March 2010 Journal Club Presentation
Thank you to Lana Brand for a stellar presentation on "Open Access." Below please find the link to this informative PowerPoint presentation:
"Open Access, Free Access, and the NIH Mandate Presentation"
"Open Access, Free Access, and the NIH Mandate Presentation"
Friday, April 30, 2010
Passion for the Profession....

Please read the ACRL blog link below, which so aptly describes the passion we librarians have for our profession.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
3rd Annual USF Night with the Rays August 14, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010
Forward Momentum...
Our Journal Club has proven a success!!!
-Turnout continues to increase
-Presentation quality has undergone steady improvement.
-New initiatives have been created, i.e. Blog, Twitter.
-FFJC is currently in the process of seeking accreditation by the Medical Library Association for AHIP credit hours.
-Turnout continues to increase
-Presentation quality has undergone steady improvement.
-New initiatives have been created, i.e. Blog, Twitter.
-FFJC is currently in the process of seeking accreditation by the Medical Library Association for AHIP credit hours.
Lessons Learned:

1. Keep recruiting new members in order to ensure fresh ideas and avoid "group-think."
2. Consistency of time and place are crucial to success.
3. Don’t waste time on minutes and by laws.
4. Remember to keep it fun and comfortable!!
Library Students Love Its Fresh Minty Taste.. Please ask your friends to attend
One of the most unforeseen surprises of FFJC has been the attendance of LIS students or recent graduates of Library School. Invitations have gone out virally or by word of mouth.
Students and recent grads add so much to the Club. They bring with them the latest and greatest in technology and a finger on the pulse of professional trends.
Students, we can guarantee:
1. We are not virtual.
2. We are real live people, having lively discussion.
3. Brownies and/or other sweet treats will be provided.
4. Acculturation into the professional environment of librarianship.
5. We are non-competitive and or non-judgmental-- "what goes on in journal club stays in journal club."
6. You will be able to hone your public speaking skills
7. You will hear about jobs.
l-r Lana Brand, Library Student, David Morgan newly minted MLIS. Just ask them what they think of FFJC.
Students and recent grads add so much to the Club. They bring with them the latest and greatest in technology and a finger on the pulse of professional trends.
Students, we can guarantee:
1. We are not virtual.
2. We are real live people, having lively discussion.
3. Brownies and/or other sweet treats will be provided.
4. Acculturation into the professional environment of librarianship.
5. We are non-competitive and or non-judgmental-- "what goes on in journal club stays in journal club."
6. You will be able to hone your public speaking skills
7. You will hear about jobs.
l-r Lana Brand, Library Student, David Morgan newly minted MLIS. Just ask them what they think of FFJC.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hospital/Solo Librarians Need Hugs, too...
Working as a solo librarian is a unique and rewarding experience. One has to learn and become proficient in every aspect of librarianship.
Our solo librarians offer the FFJC the perspective of working for both a parent organization and the library. The FFJC offers professional and networking opportunities to the solo librarian.
The FFJC has proven to be highly rewarding as a professional development tool. Thank you to our hospital librarians, and one person librarians, (you know who you are) who have remained tenaciously loyal, stalwart attendants and supporters of the FFJC.
Friday, April 16, 2010
FFJC Poster Presentation Southern Chapter Medical Library Association, Peabody Hotel, Memphis, TN, October 28-November 1, 2009
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended Series I of the FFJC (9/5/08-8/07/09). From our experiences we were able to create and present a poster at the Southern Chapter meeting of the Medical Library Association.
We had a wonderful time in Memphis and came back totally inspired!!
A Poster:
Follow this blog and you will learn everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask, about journal clubs.
We had a wonderful time in Memphis and came back totally inspired!!

- Combines text and graphics to make a visually pleasing presentation
- Involves showing your work to others in your profession at a conference or seminar.
- Allows viewers to study your information/research and discuss it with you one on one.
- Will take you to places, people, and adventures you never thought you'd have.
Follow this blog and you will learn everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask, about journal clubs.
Kristen Morda and Barbara Wood in front of their poster (which didn't win any prizes), but gave them major mojo.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Series I Bibliography 9/5/08 to 8/7/09
- Competencies for special librarians of the 21st century. (1997). Retrieved from WorldCat Competencies for special librarians of the 21st century / submitted to the SLA Board of Directors by the Special Committee on Competencies for Special Librarians. 1997 English Book Internet Resource [12] leaves ; 28 cm. [Washington, D.C. : SLA WorldCat database Available from
- Badman, D., Bonfield, B., Collier, E., Davis, H., Ford, E., & Leeder, K. (2009). In the Library with the Leadpipe: The Murder Victim? Your Library Assumptions. Suspect? It Could Have Been Any of Us.
- Bandy, M., Doyle, J. D., Fladger, A., Frumento, K. S., Girouard, L., Hayes, S., et al. (2008). Standards for hospital libraries 2007: Hospital Libraries Section Standards Committee. J Med Libr Assoc, 96(2), 162-169.
- Bates, M. E. (2009). Living Large in Lean Times. Searcher, 17(3). Retrieved from
- Berdish, L., & Seeman, C. Spanning the Straits of Business Information: Kresge Library’s Embedded Librarian Program for MAP (Multidisciplinary Action Program).
- Federal Library and Information Center Committee. (2008). Federal Librarian Competencies. Retrieved from
- Hochstein, C., Arnesen, S., Goshorn, J., & Szczur, M. (2008). Selected resources for emergency and disaster preparedness and response from the United States National Library of Medicine. Med Ref Serv Q, 27(1), 1-20.
- Murphy, J. (2008). Micro-Blogging for Science and Technology Libraries. Science & Technology Libraries, 28(4), 375-378.
- O'Sullivan, C. (2005). Diaries, On-line Diaries, and the Future Loss to Archives; or, Blogs and the Blogging Bloggers Who Blog Them. American Archivist, 68(1), 53-73.
- Scherrer, C. S., & Dorsch, J. L. (1999). The evolving role of the librarian in evidence-based medicine. Bull Med Libr Assoc, 87(3), 322-328.
- Shipman, J. P. (2007). Informationists or Information Specialists in Context (ISIC): six years after conception. IFLA Journal, 33(4), 335.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Where it all happens...
Shimberg Health Sciences Library
12902 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33647

Founded in 1974, and originally known as the U.S.F College of Medicine Library, the Shimberg Health Sciences Library resides in the geographic epicenter and confluence of a medical complex/campus that includes libraries from:
- University Community Hospital
- William Haley VA Hospital
- Shiners’ Hospital
- H. Lee Moffitt, Comprehensive Cancer Center
- University of South Florida Tampa Campus Library
- USF School of Library and Information Science
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Benefits of Starting and/orJoining a Journal Club...
A Journal Club offers Librarians the opportunity to:
--Share ideas informally in a social milieu.
--Network with colleagues.
--Stay current with best practices and trends.
--Broaden understanding of issues that impact the profession.
--Broaden understanding of the profession outside of sub specialty.
--Stay current with the scholarly literature.
--Practice public speaking/presentation skills.
--Share ideas informally in a social milieu.
--Network with colleagues.
--Stay current with best practices and trends.
--Broaden understanding of issues that impact the profession.
--Broaden understanding of the profession outside of sub specialty.
--Stay current with the scholarly literature.
--Practice public speaking/presentation skills.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen...
After attending the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association meeting in 2008, Kristen Morda returned, inspired to find a vehicle for scholarly communication among Librarians.
Serendipity delivered to the Reference Desk a frantic resident scurrying to find an article, or study, to present to his journal club. Kristen and I worked with the resident (calm, cool, and collected). Upon completion of the reference interview a light bulb went on? Why, don't we start a Journal Club?
We discussed the possibility of “brown bag” lunches, and/or faculty meetings. However, we were looking for the cross pollination of ideas from other institutions, as in-house culture tends to foster in-breeding and group think.
Serendipity delivered to the Reference Desk a frantic resident scurrying to find an article, or study, to present to his journal club. Kristen and I worked with the resident (calm, cool, and collected). Upon completion of the reference interview a light bulb went on? Why, don't we start a Journal Club?
We discussed the possibility of “brown bag” lunches, and/or faculty meetings. However, we were looking for the cross pollination of ideas from other institutions, as in-house culture tends to foster in-breeding and group think.
We made the case to our Director, Beverly Shattuck, who provided us with institutional support and gave us the green light to move forward.
Benefits to your institution:
Scholarly, voluntary, held during lunch, social, opportunity to network.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Why Go to a Professional Conference?
- To Party?
- To Network?
- To Learn?
- To Travel?
- To Teach?
- To Meet new Peeps?
All of the above, including
- Once a scholar, always a scholar.
- Recommit to your profession.
- Inspiration, the sharing of ideas!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Definition of a Journal Club
A “journal club” is comprised of individuals, generally involved in medical residency training, the health care professions, or a scientific discipline who meet regularly to review and evaluate articles in the professional literature.
The journal club has been a mainstay in graduate medical education since the 1870s when Sir William Ostler (l.), the father of modern medical education, introduced it as a means of sharing scarce print journals among his students and colleagues at McGill University.
Since then, the journal club has continued to serve as an educational vehicle to teach members how to critically appraise the merits and structure of scholarly publications, and more recently, to identify quality evidence-based medical literature.
Rarely has the journal club been a method of training, education, or dissemination of scholarly information in the humanities or Librarianship.
However, a review of the literature indicates that Journal Clubs are gaining popularity in the humanities and libraries. The usefulness of a Journal Club as a collective, low cost initiative enabling like minded scholars to read and apply the content of professional journals is catching on across the country, and the world.
The journal club has been a mainstay in graduate medical education since the 1870s when Sir William Ostler (l.), the father of modern medical education, introduced it as a means of sharing scarce print journals among his students and colleagues at McGill University.
Since then, the journal club has continued to serve as an educational vehicle to teach members how to critically appraise the merits and structure of scholarly publications, and more recently, to identify quality evidence-based medical literature.
Rarely has the journal club been a method of training, education, or dissemination of scholarly information in the humanities or Librarianship.
However, a review of the literature indicates that Journal Clubs are gaining popularity in the humanities and libraries. The usefulness of a Journal Club as a collective, low cost initiative enabling like minded scholars to read and apply the content of professional journals is catching on across the country, and the world.
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